7 photo accessories for your photo shoots: our best-sellers
Using photo accessories for your shoots as a photographer is almost essential. Protection of your camera and your lenses, improvement of your shots, (re)gain in creativity, comfort of your models: there are many photo accessories necessary for the success of your photo shoots. Because your photographer colleagues are the best advisors, here are our bestsellers: the 7 photo accessories you prefer for your photo shoots!
Summary: 7 photo accessories for your photo shoots
The stools
Wooden cubes
The big reflector
The clamps
The podiums
The mirrors
Photo funds
#1 Photo accessory for your portraits: stools
The stool is a photo accessory that is as essential as it is discreet. You love them because they allow you to properly install your photo model and achieve successful portraits. You can use it as support during a family or group photo session, but also as a tool to gain height during your photo sessions. All our stools are made of wood, designed in the Netherlands and manufactured in Indonesia. The models are all unique pieces which may have different roughness and details.
#2 Photo shooting accessory: wooden cubes
You love them and so do we ! Wooden cubes are excellent decorative accessories for your photo shoots. We developed them with French artisan carpenters so that they exist in different sizes.
In small size, they enhance your product photos : they are both supports and decorations to give volume to your photos.
Large in size, the wooden cubes serve as seats and promontories for your photo models for portrait sessions, individually or in groups.
#3 Photo accessory for your photo studio: the reflector
When you started taking photos in a photo studio, you probably opted for a round, standard-sized light reflector . Quite small, it is perfect for close-up portraits or reference packshots. Except that it quickly becomes limited for larger portraits (or with several people) and inspirational and atmospheric shoots, photographed on larger scenes. Our photography customers particularly like the large reflector measuring 150 centimeters high by 200 centimeters wide. We recommend it if you regularly photograph people or large scenes in a photo studio or outdoors.
#4 Photo accessory for your packshots: clips
Clamps are essential photo accessories for your packshots. Foldable and extendable, they lock in position the products you are shooting or hold your camera while you adjust the products. You adopt new angles and positions thanks to these intermediaries. After you adopted the single clamp arms , we released the double clamp arms , which hook on either side. Which ones do you prefer?
#5 Photo accessory for your product photos: catwalks
To give volume to your product photos, you really like our podiums. Round podiums , cubic podiums , or even high podiums : these podiums made in France by a Bordeaux artisan carpenter are best-sellers on our e-commerce site! Their strength ? They are designed to be ultra durable, made from thick MDF wood, so they will last. You don't risk breaking them by handling them or placing a heavy object on them!
#6 Best-selling photo accessory: mirrors
In photography, mirrors are excellent accessories to spruce up your photos. In a photo studio or outdoors, they boost the light and give a new perspective to your photos. On Access Shooting, we have chosen mirrors with very trendy shapes: the semi-circle mirror, the circle mirror and the arch mirror . Our photography clients really appreciate them! And you ?

#7 Photo accessory for your photo studio: photo backgrounds
Let's finish this article on the essential photo accessories for your photo studio: photo backgrounds ! On Access Shooting, we have selected vinyl photo backgrounds for you because they are damaged much less quickly than paper photo backgrounds and can easily be cleaned.
You like that they exist in several formats:
- on a roll, to hang in the background for your portraits
- made of vinyl to place on a surface as a support – particularly for food photos or packshots, they give character and character to your photos.
What are your favorite colors?
Photo shoot accessories are our best-sellers! These are the accessories you prefer and we love to offer them to you. What other photo accessories do you use and look for for your shots? What do you use every day but are missing from our store? Tell us !